When you strive toward your fullest potential, you’re becoming the best version of yourself. There will never be an “end phase,” as you’ll continuously find ways to refine yourself. You’ll go through phases and see what works and what doesn’t. What counts is that you’re always being the best version of yourself at any point in time. When you compare yourself to the past, you’ll see that you did what you could at that time.
Make Yourself a Priority
Make yourself a priority – this means focusing on yourself first before anything else. It is okay to be a bit selfish. That way, you’re practicing self-confidence because who else will be there for you if you’re not there for yourself?
Learn how to enjoy your own company. Can you eat at a restaurant by yourself? Do you know how to enjoy yourself and not feel self-conscious about something other people are not even thinking about? No one judge. The ones who do are insecure about themselves anyway. That’s not your battle.
Any money you’ve spent on eating well, dressing well, and having a great time is never a waste. You invest in yourself and your life.
Do You for You
This is how I’m being the best version of myself.
- Celebrate Friend’s Wins: It is so important to show up for your friends as they show up for you. Your love for them will go far. Your celebration will mean so much to them.
- Surrounded By the Right People: The people you surround yourself with will influence the energy you put out. If you’re around negative people, you’ll be a negative person. If you’re the right people, they’ll empower you to be the best version of yourself.
- Chasing a New Dream: It is okay to think things through and chase a new dream. It is okay to suddenly want to do something else. Now that you want to, what are you going to do to achieve it?
- Being Okay With Walking Away from What’s Not Working: Life is precious. Don’t waste your time trying to fix things that wouldn’t work. It’s okay to walk away. You did what you could.
- Looking Your Part: Wear fitted clothes, find colors that fit you, and look great.
- Investing in Fine Jewelry: Forget silver and gold-plated jewelry. Invest in solid gold jewelry, and that will take you a long way. It’s better to have fewer high-quality pieces.
- Build Connections: Break out of your comfort zone and meet people. Just meet people. Get your name across and remember their names.
- Setting Boundaries: You don’t owe anyone your time. It is okay to meet people, but if they keep messaging you and you feel overwhelmed, you don’t have to respond. You’re entitled to allocate your time however you think is best.
- Do Your Hair: Take the time to blow dry your hair before you go out. Give your hair some volume and love.
- Exercise: Work hard to make your body in its best shape. Whether you run, go to pilates, HIIT, or whatever it is, get that heart rate up.
- Sleep: Get enough sleep. After exercising and doing all of the activities, you deserve some rest to recover.
- Choose Your Fragrance: Figure out your signature fragrance. Your body oil is not compatible with all fragrances. Give them a test run.
- Your Beauty: Go through scalp massages, facials, massages, and whatever that will maximize your beauty.
- Having a Nice Bag: It doesn’t have to be Hermes or Chanel but have a nice bag for night outings, daytime outings, and something you feel good with.
- Give Back: While investing in yourself, give back. This can mean volunteering, donating, and whatever you can to help others.
- Make Your Meals Pretty: Put in extra effort in making your meals look presentable. You’ll enjoy eating it and fuel yourself properly.
- Taking Your Time: I learned not to rush everything. It’s great to speed through things, but why rush?
There will be people who are waiting to see you fail. They will feel good knowing you’re not perfect. That’s okay. No one is, but at least you’re doing what you can to be the best version of yourself.
The Comments
Molly | Transatlantic Notes
This is exactly what I needed to be reminded of, so reading this was perfect timing. Thanks for all the information, it is so encouraging!