The Lifestyle Edit is a blog series featuring some recent highlights of my day-to-day life. Hopefully, you’ll still find inspiration and relatable content through this blog series. If not, let’s still celebrate life and the everyday victories we face.
Chef’s Kiss
When inspiration hits, you start cooking and plating your food with intention. I started scrolling through social media to see how I could make my food look pretty before I consumed it. We’re getting there!
My sushi plating became a form of crudo. Lay out the slices of fish, utilize some different colors, add some shapes, and a sauce of choice. Remember what your main attraction is. Less is also more.
I still lived and learned – some concepts don’t work out during execution. That’s okay – it’s still delicious!
It has been a while since I’ve enjoyed oysters. I’ve seen the prices at restaurants and decided maybe I can do it at home, too. A couple of videos later, I found myself in the kitchen with a small knife and a towel. I’ve tried oysters with just lemon and cocktail sauce—absolute chef’s kiss.
Thanks to some pan-searing tricks, scallops can now be enjoyed at home. It is so much cheaper than dining at a restaurant. Now, you can enjoy more than a couple of medallions of scallops. I noticed that scallops do not fill me up, so having some rice with them might be worthwhile.
You can never go wrong with beef. I tried my hands at cooking a ribeye steak again, and it was absolutely a chef’s kiss with the medium-rare internal temp. For an easier time, there’s always Taco Tuesdays. I can’t eat sauce with tacos, so the guacamole and lime helped big time.
Golf Girlie
My goal this year is to become a bit more intentional about golf. I started keeping a notebook where I reflected on how my practice, lesson, and round went. I reflected on what factors contributed to how I played that day, including whether I felt 100% hungry, didn’t sleep, didn’t warm up, was anxious, or whatever. I also reflected on what went well and what needed some work. I learned it is important to warm up and eat a nice meal before.
The past half-year was brutal, as I kept adjusting my swing to the point where I’d fade every driver shot. I knew it was time for lessons again, so I decided to get lessons through Nick at MNML Golf. The experience has been so much better compared to GolfTec. The results have translated much quicker, and I’m hitting my driver 200+ yards again! Straight to the fairway! I saw 227’s and 236’s this past weekend.
The TaylorMade Qi35’s came out a month ago. I swapped out my old TaylorMade RBZ Speedlite 5 Wood and 5 Hybrid for the Qi35’s. Needless to say, they hit sooooooo well. Such a gamechanger. I love them more than the Qi10 3 Wood. Last weekend, I somehow hit 214 yards with the 5 Wood. That’s literally my driver’s distance? My 5 Wood hits 160 yards on a good day. This was phenomenal.
That left me at a debacle about my Qi10 3 Wood. I bought it for $350 last year, and the trade-in is at $110 at best. So. I added 2g of lead tape to the head to see if it would make a difference. The other weekend, I somehow shot 207 yards with it. Excuse me? What? First of all, I need to keep swinging the way I did.
Health is Wealth
I’ve continued to incorporate Pilates in between my HIIT series. Pilates is not a joke. All of these different moves, holds, and slow reps left my body feeling sore for two days. I’ve been to Barry’s for almost two years and have dropped about 20 lbs. I’ve started feeling comfortable lifting heavier weights (35 lbs) and running faster (14-speed sprints).
My goal is to stay slim, but that came at the cost of losing some strength at golf. But it’s not about having the fastest swing; it’s about having the right mechanics. That combination will get your ball out there.
The Girlie Pop
Looking for fun golf gear while supporting my journey? Enjoy the discounts below!
Sierra Madre Golf: “CBV10” for 10% off
Fore All: “CBV15” for 15% off
Fore-té: “CBV15” for 15% off.
Pins and Aces: “nyancy” for 15% off
Cravin Golf: “CBV15” for 15% off
The Sticker Shop
The La Golfista Loteria Sticker and Golf Girlie Sticker have been a big hit! Have you secured either of these stickers yet? Buy them for $3.55 each via my self-hosted shop, or $3.75 via Etsy. Etsy charges a listing fee, so by purchasing it through my self-hosted shop, I pass the savings to you xoxo.